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Consultation Subject:

Digital wellbeing constitutes a major aspect of wellbeing in the UAE. Communities and social relations became interconnected more than ever across the cyberspace. Lines between real and virtual life are blurred and this consequently is reflected either positively or negatively on individual’s life. Digital wellbeing, therefore, plays an essential role in enhancing one’s wellbeing in general by improving and governing interactions in the digital world. 

The objective of consultation:

Through this consultation, the Ministry of Interior aims to sound out all opinions and suggestions on ways to enhance digital wellbeing in the UAE community and the proposed programs to promote digital quality which is based on the concept of safe and good digital citizenship.  

Expected decisions as a result of consultation:

Develop policies and programs to enhance digital wellbeing among all segments of the community; review current legislations and laws and assess the need to update them; conduct local studies to assess the current digital status of the community and follow up the latest developments in the local and international digital arena.

Share Your Voice

Open Date:30/06/2020

Closing Date:29/07/2020

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