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The (dotEmarat) Arabic Domain Name is introduced for registration as the primary government domain name of the UAE. The domain names will be available for registration in different phases based on the business sectors. The Launch dotEmarat Policy provides an insight into a fair and equitable allocation of (dotEmarat) Arabic Domain Names.
The process and validation details of the dotEmarat domain launch phases.
Domain name license availability and period details.
Domain name exceptions, reservation list, and premium domain name details.
1.1. Except where expressly provided otherwise in this Policy, all terms used in this Policy, and defined in the .aeDA’s Common Definition Policy (as amended from time to time) will carry the meaning ascribed to them in that Common Definition Policy.
1.2. Except where the context otherwise requires, the following principles will apply in interpreting the terms and words used in this Policy:
1.3. The following words where used in this Policy shall have the meaning ascribed to them below:
“2LD” a Domain Name that consists of a single Label under . (dotEmarat) Arabic
ccTLD. For example: “ ”; and
“3LD” a Domain Name that consists of two Labels under under . (dotEmarat) Arabic ccTLD.