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Topic of advice:

In the framework of the Zakat Fund’s endeavor to provide the community with innovative and pioneering services, we are pleased at the Zakat Fund to put in your hands the trial version of a service requesting statistics on Zakat, which will be launched to you soon via the Fund’s website and its smart application, provided that you share with us your opinion about the appropriateness of the service in its design and ease of use.

page link:

Press here

Advice goal:

The Zakat Fund aims, through this advice, to know your impressions about the new service, and what are your opinions after trying it and using it.

Make decision:

In the Zakat Fund, after studying your impressions, the impact of your experience, and all opinions and ideas, we will improve and develop the service in line with your wishes, and then officially launch it.

Share Your Voice

Open Date:30/03/2021

Closing Date:29/04/2021

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