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The Ministry of Education has been keen to provide a range of e-services in response to the directives of the UAE government vision to enhance e-services that achieve quality standards, and within the framework of the Ministry's keenness to achieve the highest rates of customer satisfaction and facilitate their applications, and the ability of community people to finish their transactions easily and rapidly without visiting the Customer Happiness Centers. Therefore, the Ministry worked to raise public awareness of its services by promoting them in various media, customer happiness centers and other channels in order to reach the largest possible number of targeted people.

Therefore, we invite you to participate in this questionnaire by submitting suggestions or observations that enhance the level of awareness of e-services to improve the quality of our services to meet your expectations.

To know more about our e-services, please visit:



you can also visit #moeservices




Identify the public opinion and assess their satisfaction with the level of awareness of the priority e-services provided by the Ministry of Education, and analyze the data to be used in the process of continuous improvement and development of the marketing plan, which helps the Ministry to meet the expectations of the public and ensure access to information and services that interest them in the easiest and fastest ways.


Share Your Voice

Open Date:19/05/2021

Closing Date:23/06/2021

How likely are you to recommend DGOV?